Meet the Rebels Day

Over 5,000 fans attended Meet the Rebels Day in the newly renovated Manning Center Saturday. Rebels, both young and old, delighted in the festive, family atmosphere and relished the chance to get autographs and pictures with their favorite Ole Miss football players.
Fans also enjoyed the opportunity to meet the Rebel soccer, volleyball, rifle and women’s golf teams, as well as the cheerleaders and Rebelettes.
Head Coach Hugh Freeze and Athletic Director Ross Bjork addressed the crowd–the largest ever to attend the event–as did other Ole Miss coaches and administrators.
Rebel Walk photographer Bentley Breland was in the Manning Center and took some great shots of the day’s festivities.
Bo is the co-founder of The Rebel Walk and is responsible for the marketing, advertising, and technical production for The Rebel Walk. Apart from The Rebel Walk, he owns Solve Design Studio, a digital marketing company. He can also be referred to as the HYDR® guy as he created the trademarked acronym "HYDR" in 2013 that changed Ole Miss fans forever!